5 Types of Content that Attracts the Perfect Customer [Podcast]

5 Types of Content that Attracts the Perfect Customer [Podcast]

Marketing is Mandatory
Podcast Ep: 08:

The 5 types of content you must create to attract the perfect customer.

Understand the 5 types of content you should create to attract the perfect customer.  Using  this strategy you will begin to
Build your brand Create value for your audience Engage your audience Get more followers on your social media account.

The 5 types of content are:

  1. Product Posts with Prices
  2. Free Value Post or Lead Magnet
  3. Inspiration or Motivation Post
  4. Cross-Posting 
  5. Call to Action Post

If you want to get more specific and start to making sales with your content download my $1 EBook, How to create content and attract the perfect customer. Build your audience and make sales.

Click the link below to download your copy of the 21 page EBook.


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Mindset Blocks That Are Keeping You Broke.

Mindset Blocks That Are Keeping You Broke.

Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep: 07:

The 4 Mindset Blocks that are Keeping You Broke


How long have you had that great idea in your head and never did anything about it?


Or, have you watched someone around you reveal their new idea to you, describe their plan for success, take massive action quickly on that idea, and today they are generating money with that same idea while you still are having trouble getting your business off the ground.

Or, maybe, you’ve dreamt of your success.  Talked at length about it to your friends and family, even wrote down your plan in your journal. But still today, your idea has not moved forward anymore than the first day it came to you..

Or, maybe, you’ve started your business already. You’re working hard every day, every night, and weekends too.  You feel like you’re following the steps, and working the plan. But, your sales aren’t rolling in, new customers are not knocking at your door, and you’re thinking of giving up..

Are these signs that you are a terrible at being business owner? Or, is this confirmation that you don’t have the skill to become a successful Entrepreneur?

Well there is a High Probability that none of this is true and, almost every entrepreneur has experienced these same struggles.


You don’t have to be trapped in this place of struggle.
There is a solution for this.

You can probably tell from the title of this post that it has nothing to do with your talent, product, or dedication. It’s all in your head. I know it kind of hard to accept that the real world outcomes of your business success like getting more customers, and building a profitable business are all connected to your mindset.

But, it’s true..

If you’re like me, you started your business to meet a need in your market that was not currently being met. This most likely was your first business, and there were no mentors in your life to show you a path to success, as well as answer your questions that arose simply from you doing something you have never done before.  So, when you were faced with natural hurdles, challenges that are inherent with business start-ups, you could only look to yourself to for a solution.


And here is where the Mindset Blocks show up..


When you don’t have a frame of reference for the problem you’re faced with, your brain attempts to connect theses feelings of uncertainty to any experiences you have had.

Uncertainty is fear, and your brain works hard to protect you when fear arises. Your brain naturally connects all “Fear” with death unless you’ve experienced this “Fear” in the past and overcome it.

So when you experience uncertainty (fear), and the risks are high (failing at business), and you haven’t overcome this uncertainty before..(like starting a new business..) your brain goes into protection mode. And tells you “Stop doing this business thing.. or we’re gonna die!”

The Brain like routine, and familiar things. When you introduce anything new, the brain has no reference or experience with, the brain goes into protection mode, because natural “Fear” is triggered.

Your brain whispers to you in a tiny voice things like..

“You’re not good enough..”  

“Everyone is already doing this.. So I can’t”…

” I’m not tech Savy,. So I could never create a website..”

and so on, and so on..   

This tiny voice isn’t real, so don’t listen to it.
If you do, you will never become successful at anything you are not currently with.


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5 Proven Strategies You Can Use to Build Your Email List.

5 Proven Strategies You Can Use to Build Your Email List.

Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep: 06:

5 Things You Can Do to Build Your Email List That actually Work!

If you’ve started an online business, and you don’t continuously do things build your email list with new subscribers, you will see ever declining revenue in your business. And If every subscriber on your list is worth $48 per year to your business, then why would you ever stop building it.

In this episode, I’ll give you 5 things you can do to build your email list. 

I can’t say it enough, your email list is critical to your business success.  So you must give it the attention it deserves. I don’t mean constant attention and watching, I mean making actively building it a priority in your list of business activities.

One of the easiest ways to grow your business is to grow your list. So in this episode I’ll show you 3 things you can do to grow your email list. But before we talk about the techniques you must remember one thing.

Download the Freebie

Your content needs to be amazing 
if you want people to stay subscribed and forward your emails to their own network. If it’s entertaining and valuable enough, they’ll always look forward to your emails.

5 Things You Can Do To Build Your Email List.

1. Create a Lead Generation Offer

Develop a free ebook or whitepaper and host it on a landing page that asks visitors to provide their email address in order to download it. This is called a “gated offer.”


2. Promote an Online Contest

Use your social media accounts to host a free giveaway in exchange for contact information. Encourage entrants to click through to your website and sign up using their email address.
• Wishpond
• Thivehive
• Gleam.io


3. Create or Reference a Free Online Tool or Resource.

Free online tools make your users’ lives easier, and all they have to do is sign up with their email address. You can link to one but require an email address to send the subscriber the list.

Mortgage Broker, could offer a Rent vs mortgage calculator

A Consultant, who Provides College Scholarship Assistance to parents of High School Juniors and Seniors could offer a College loan calculator

Travel Agent, could offer a Travel budget calculator – Travel agent

Head-Hunter or Recruiter, could offer a Cost of living by state calculator


4. Promote an Offer Through Facebook that Requires an Email Address.

Promote content on your Facebook Timeline that your followers can sign up to access. Be sure to add social sharing buttons to the landing pages and thank-you pages you send them to so you encourage your leads to share those offers with their own networks.


5. Create ‘Bonus’ Content.

Not all gated content is worth it to a website visitor. In order to gain their interest, you need to give them free content first. Start with a blog post that offers beginner advice on a subject, then offer “bonus” content with more advanced tips that they can access by submitting their email address via a landing page.
• ConvertKit
• MailChimp
• Active Campaign
• Constant Contact
• Aweber

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Why You Should Begin Building an Email List in Your Business.

Why You Should Begin Building an Email List in Your Business.

Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep.05

Why You Should Begin Building an Email List in Your Business Today.

FACT: Email marketing generates $47.50 in revenue for every dollar that is spent, according to the National Client Email report of 2015.

If you are starting or currently running an online business you must continually be email list-building.  Your email list is one of the primary drivers of revenue. Email is the surefire way to create intimacy and build relationships with your potential customers. Email is the most efficient way to build trust.

In fact, I would say email builds a deeper level of trust, because you can personalize it. 

Each Day It’s Get’s More Difficult to Cut Through the Noise of Social Media to Reach Your Target Customer.

The fast moving, every changing, cluttered with ads, social media feeds on Instagram and Facebook are not the place to build relationships. Social Media is where you build awareness. For the average business owner, it’s too expensive to produce high quality videos daily. So the high levels of engagement that we used to get with simple image posts, today is only achieved with paid ads. So Idea of continuous posting is really a shotgun approach to marketing and acquiring customers. “Shotgun,” meaning “Spray and Pray.”  With this approach you hope you message lands in the feed of your potential customer. 

Send Me the Free Guide



You Can Build Trust, Nurture Customers, and Build Your Brand When You Have An Ever-growing Email List.

When you send an email, it’s personal, this is because your recipient requested or opted-in to receive emails from you.  Your email messages are opportunities to have conversations with your prospect. When you deliver value to your reader over email,  they will begin to anticipate your next email, expecting to receive with every email you send them. As you become valuable to your reader, your reader will want to reciprocate. 

You goal is to give your reader the opportunity to reciprocate the value you give, by purchasing your products. The goal is to create this simple idea in your readers minds..


“If your free stuff is valuable, then your premium stuff must be amazing!”

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Creating a Side Hustle Using Digital Products

Creating a Side Hustle Using Digital Products

LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT SIDE HUSTLE: TRY DIGITAL PRODUCTS. Make the case for a side hustle using digital products .   vMake the case for a side hustle using digital productsffMake the case for a side hustle using digital products   Make the case for a side hustle using digital products Make the case for a side hustle using digital products  
  1. Traditional Side Hustle Benefits
    1. More money made monthly
    2. Don’t have to give up your main job
    3. Little to no overhead or startup costs
    4. Can be created with the resources you currently have at your disposal
  1. Traditional side hustle cons
    1. Trading rollers for hours
    2. You have to goto another location to work
    3. The wages of part time work are low
    4. You can only make more money if you work more hours
    5. When you stop work you’re money stops

The B.A.S.I.C. Formula

The B.A.S.I.C. Marketing Formula

The post below breaks down a step-by-step formula for marketing just about anything online.

There are 5 Simple steps to creating a profitable online business. I have outlined it in the B.A.S.I.C. System. This system has been proven over and over again by hundreds of online entrepreneurs and business owners. I have detailed each step in the following post.



Communicating to your potential customer that you can solve their problems and you have just become valuable. Take the time to know your audience, but more importantly, you must know their dreams, desires, and goals along with their struggles, pain points and hurdles. Once you know these things, you can then solve their problems.



Your email address is your most valuable asset when it comes to generating revenue. The larger your list, the more sales, the more 💰💰you make! It’s easier and cheaper to show your value to your potential customer via email. With Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn changing their policies and algorithms at any time, Email is the best way to grow your business, protect your self from any platform change. It’s also waaayyyy cheaper too!! Use social media to create awareness, visibility, and capture an email address. TO do this you will need to use email marketing software and a landing page. This is pretty easy to accomplish, even for the beginner.



Now that you have their email address you can show your potential customer you can solve their problems or just make their life easier with your product or service. Showing up consistently with value will build massive trust. Sending a sequence of emails that help your potential customer, will not only be well received but it will be anticipated. Did you know you can do this with every new email address on “autopilot?” With email automation, you can simply design this once, and you can build trust “automagically” with every new email address. Even when you are sleeping. 😴 👏🏽 👏🏽



Set up a way to take payment. PayPal, WooCommerce, SamCart, Stripe, or whatever you choose, just get it set up asap. There’s no point on having an online business unless you can take payments online. And you can’t make 💵 in your 😴 if you have to wake up and collect the money….🤔 Find a payment processor you like and set it up. They range from Free to $120 per month. It depends on how easy or how many products or services you will be selling.



Time to make an offer? Give your potential customer something to buy. Just make sure that your “Something” further solves the problem you’ve convinced your potential customer you can solve in your previous email messages. You’ve “built trust through generosity.” This offer could.. Simply just make their life easier. It could be your custom product or service. It could be a series of detailed tutorial videos. It could be a live in-person class or training. It could be a special membership or club It could be a personal training package or a special diet plan. Just make the offer. And if you have completed the previous steps correctly… then it’s time to watch the sales roll In! Please Note: Not everyone on your email list will buy the first time, but those who don’t buy the first time, will probably purchase your product the second or third time you make the offer. Just keep adding value, and building trust through your email messages.

And that is your B.A.S.I.C. System for making $$ online!


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