by Ken Briscoe | Dec 14, 2018
Helping Business Owners Since 2001
Marketing is Mandatory ™ is a podcast dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, coaches, and consultants the step-by-step strategies for marketing their business online to acquire more customers and generate more income. This podcast is designed for entrepreneurs, current business owners, coaches, professional marketers and consultants alike.
“This podcast is a must listen for the online entrepreneur,
or the business owner wanting to market their products online.”
by Ken Briscoe | Dec 12, 2018
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Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep: 03:
How to Start and Brand Your Podcast.
It’s the third installment of the Marketing is Mandatory podcast I’m speaking about starting your first podcast and branding it to stand out in your niche. I discuss the rise podcasts as a popular media for consumption for close to 50% of the united states. How podcasts are becoming popular in almost every industry. From entertainment, health, comedy, news, and politics. I also discuss how branding your podcast can help you stand out in the increasing crowded podcast space. I specifically discuss branding activities such as;
- A Quality Listening Experience
- Planned Sound Design
- Creating Offline Connections
- Adding Creative Segments to Your Podcast and, purposely engaging your listeners on social media
As a Bonus to this Episode, I’ve created a “20 Point Podcast Launch Checklist.” This checklist will give you this free pdf document that will make sure when you launch your first podcast, you’ve crossed all your ‘t’s” and dotted all of your “i’s” . My goal is to help you have a successful launch, increase your audience, and broaden the awareness of your offer, product, or service.
Download the Free 20 Point Podcast Launch Checklist
This 5 Day Challenge will give step-by-step instructions on how to start and launch your first podcast, and get your first subscribers. You can register for this free 5 Day challenge at
Before we start the show, I’ve got something to ask.
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by Ken Briscoe | Dec 8, 2018
Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep.02
Everybody is Not Your Customer
In this episode, I discuss how set up your business for success in digital marketing. Knowing your perfect customer is the most important information needed to be successful when you begin to market your business.
I discuss why you need to know this, and how it will dramatically increase your sales when you can speak to your ideal customer, where they are, about what they need, in the language they use.

Finally, I discuss the 5 reasons you should be using digital or online marketing in your business.
Those 5 reasons are;
• Traffic
• Targeting
• Cost
• Measurement
and Repeatability.. (if that’s really a word.. I think you know what I mean).
Take a listen, take notes, and share your thoughts!
Subscribe to Marketing is Mandatory on iTunes, Stitcher and/or Spotify
Please support the podcast by giving an honest rating/review for the show on iTunes.
by Ken Briscoe | Nov 7, 2018
Marketing is Mandatory Podcast Ep.01
Why You Should Begin Building an Email List in Your Business Today
The first episode of Marketing is Mandatory ™.
A podcast dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, coaches, and consultants the step-by-step strategies for marketing their business online to acquire more customers and generate more income.
On episode one, we discuss one of the reasons why most small businesses fail. It’s the concept that many small businesses don’t connect paid marketing efforts to the acquisition of new customers. Moreover, many small businesses don’t consider paid marketing as one of the most important activities they should be performing in their business.
Marketing is Mandatory ™ podcast focuses on using internet marketing strategies to grow your business. In future episodes, we discuss and teach strategies for using Facebook, Instagram, and Email to acquire new customers. You can also expect to hear interviews with entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketing professionals to discuss what is working right now in their businesses.
by Ken Briscoe | Jun 6, 2018
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“If you’re not building an email list, you’re making a HUGE mistake!!
I will come right out and say it.
Reason No 1. Not Getting Started
Most business owners never really understand the value of your email list. Most are still caught up in the days when selling over email was considered spammy or simply was not effective. Today email is more reliable than ever. (more…)
by Ken Briscoe | Jun 5, 2018
As an entrepreneur ideas come to us all the time. We have a vision of how we can change the world with your product or service. We dream about how our idea will make everything all better, and how our customers will love us for it.
Most business ideas are birthed from a need to solve a problem. The problem solving business idea comes to us in a moment of brilliance. Then the dream begins… We can instantly see happy customers, and piles of money rolling in. But, what we really see is a perfectly created business scenario manufactured in our imaginary world. A world where our product easily finds the customers in need, at the perfect time when they need it.
Our business idea flies in, saves the day, and our customers are more than happy to cough up the cash. Big Money! Big Money! Big Money!
I was once told that “Ideas are shit, without execution.” Honestly, I believe it’s true. Only 4% of the people with great ideas actually do the work to make that idea a reality. Still today, with all of our opportunity and access, 96% of idea holders are not taking action. Although a marketing plan is necessary for success, you better make sure that there is a market for that idea to begin with.
Meaning, if you think it can be a great business, take action after your brilliant idea to begin the real business execution. Be the 4%!
Now, this step is kinda boring, but you will learn to love it after you see how how much time and money it saves you. This step will help you see whether you have a business opportunity, or simply a hobby.
So before you go out and rent the space and start to cash those big ole’ checks, I urge you to ask a few questions about your new idea, or even current business to understand if a market will support your idea.
Answering these questions will do the following;
- Identify if there is a market or markets that can support your business idea
- Uncover ways to market your product or service to your potential customers
- Find blind spots in your idea or business that can expose you to be replaced by competition
- Find markets where competition is the low
- Uncover potential new products or services you can offer that can compliment your original idea to increase revenue
- Price your product or service
Market Opportunity Questions
Take your business ides of current offerings through these few steps;
- How unique is your product or service in that market?
- Does you potential customer have a problem that your particular product or service provide a solution for?
- Is your potential customer currently solving this problem with and alternate product or service? If they are, wha are they paying for it?
- If there is not a current competitor in this market, is your potential customer aware they have a problem that your product or service can solve?
- How ofter does your potential customer have this problem?
- How often will your product or service have the opportunity too provide the solution?
- If there is a competing product in this market how does your product or service compare in price?
Marketing means convincing your target markets to purchase your merchandise, creating a great client connection is an investment for the business. Marketing is the investment that your brings returns in the forms more customers and more revenue from sales.